This is a quote from the recent NY Times Article For The Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care.
Now there is a part of me who can sympathize with the hardships of living in NYC, on laughable paychecks, trying to find a way to pay rent, afford food and find the spare change for Medical Coverage. That said... most of the people in this article sound like lunatics for NOT having medical coverage. Puhleese, if you're having asthma attacks that are landing you in the hospital at $3000 a pop, let's think about that math. $3000 x 4 cases... $12,000? That's about 3 years of Medical coverage PLUS the added benefit of peace of mind.
Not to mention all these costly days in the hospital are days you're NOT working as well.
But seriously, Eric Williams?! If you can pay for a 6 week snowboarding adventure... I think you most certainly can afford health insurance. You disgust me.
* Addendum: To the NYU "Revolutionaries" you are the exact kind of people that made me dislike going to that school. Your demands? Really? Demands?
- Amnesty for all parties involved. (No. You are disruptive, disrespectful and deserve to be expelled)
- Full compensation for all employees whose jobs were disrupted during the course of the occupation. (That's nice, you're WASTING everyone's time AND causing undue expenses)
- Public release of NYU’s annual budget and endowment. (You attend a PRIVATE University. What don't you understand?)
- Allow student workers (including T.A.’s) to collectively bargain. (I believe T.A.'s have had a strike before. That NYU negotiated with. Student workers are PAYING for their education with assisted job placement from the university.)
- A fair labor contract for all NYU employees at home and abroad. (Again, I think this is up to the NYU employees to ask for, not you.)
- A Socially Responsible Finance Committee that will immediately investigate war profiteers and the lifting of the Coke ban. (What? Again, Really?)
- Annual scholarships be provided for thirteen Palestinian students. (Way to segragate)
- That the university donates all excess supplies and materials in an effort to rebuild the University of Gaza. (Why?)
- Tuition stabilization for all students, beginning with the class of 2012. Tuition rates for each successive year will not exceed the rate of inflation. The university shall meet 100% of government-calculated student financial need. (Go to another school if you're financially so unsound.)
- That student groups have priority when reserving space in the buildings owned or leased by New York University, including, and especially, the Kimmel Center. (NYU while a school is ALSO a business. Why are you people so retarded?)
- That the general public have access to Bobst Library. (PART of your tuition is having private access to these facilities. NY Public Library? Ever heard of it? )
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