I know I know, pretty much every 20-something girl will have blogged about this before the end of the weekend. But ASIDE from it being amazing, at the wrap session dinner after the opening night screening, P asked a very valid question. Like you do with every movie / show that relates a group of characters a la "Who's the Samantha of our group" the same can be applied to the characters in HJNTIY. (Yes I'm still trying to make that acronym work.)
So I leave it to you... which character are you the most like?
Neil - The person who's happily in a state of inertia not wanting to upset the seemingly perfect balance they've created for their self by going against the idea of marriage? The anarchists of love.
Beth - The person they're Just Not Marrying? We know them, the ones who have been stuck in century long relationships, who try yet fail miserably to convince everyone around them that they're happy, and generally these are the same ones who like to give the ultimatum.
Mary - This is my friend P. Someone who has fully embraced, yet still doesn't quite understand the role technology plays and will play in the future of dating and relationships.
Janine - The girl who's been cheated on. The one who's rattled with deserved mistrust and who is brave enough to soldier on themselves. Once a liar, always a liar, she know's when it's time to kick them to the curb.
Conor - The bubble boy (or person.) This is the best friend, the confidant, the Julia Roberts in
My Best Friend's Wedding. If you're stuck in this position, sucks to be you. And no, you're not going to be the exception.
Ben - The have my cake and eat it too, but when I'm fat and ugly no one will want me anymore. You can't have both pretty girls, and since choosing one seems to big a decision, enjoy your happily un-after.
Gigi - The dreamer. The one who still clings to the hope that one day she will find her prince charming and live happily ever after. Lucky for her, she's the exception to the rule, but most people still probably fall under this catagory.
Anna - The wants what she can't have. The somewhat emotionally damaged person who puts themselves in an impossible relationship so they don't have to deal with the reality of having a serious one.
Alex - The relationship stunted always have a shield to protect you, until that one person, the chink in your armor, brings the whole castle tumbling down. This... this is me. And S, was my exception.

oh and one more, just for M...
Kelli Ann - The I'm in love with someone who I know can't love me back. Or the I'm in love with my boss syndrome...
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