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Friday, January 23, 2009

My New Fav Slang Words


Povo (po-vo)
adj. Spawned from the increasing popularity of new HBO series Summer Heights High, the Aussie slang for poor has infiltrated the vocabulary of recessionistas everywhere
"Caroline, I can't go out to dinner tonight: My pay cut has left me totally povo."


v. To stay home with your boyfriend/girlfriend to cuddle
"It's raining and cold outside; I think I'll skip the bars and cupcake tonight."

Hot Room
n. A social setting that involves a mix of people whose relationships to each other are, well, complicated
"I was sitting next to my current flame and then my ex-hole walked in with his current girlfriend, who I had a falling out with in high school - total hot room!"

Pwn (pone)
v. To "power own" something or someone. Derived years ago from World of Warcraft smack talk, this slang has been adopted throughout other online games, and has since surfaced in the mainstream real world
"I pwn-ed Stephen last night in Wii Tennis."

Epic Fail
n. A frequently used term in the video game community that quite simply means you really messed up and/or something/someone is an utter failure
"Dude, your attempt to get that girl's number was an epic fail."

n. Two people who are equal in depth of arcane knowledge
"I knew I had met my geequal when Frank showed me his Star Wars light saber iPhone app."


Retox (ree-tox)
v. To go back on your New Year's resolutions and do the opposite of the goals you set for yourself
"Instead of following my resolution to get fit this year, I decided to retox and take up cooking classes instead. Oh well, no one follows New Year's resolutions anyway, right?"

Smashed Potatoes
adj. Drunk, inebriated, similar to the term "hot mess"
"Sorry I bailed without saying good night, but I was smashed potatoes."


n. Taking a vacation from being a hater where you are committed to not saying anything bad about anyone or anything; synonymous with "moral cleanse"
"Whatever, I know you have an opinion but just can't speak your mind because you are on a hate-cation."

'Kward (kwerd)
adj. Awkward
"Whoa, that conversation was very 'kward."

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