9:00PM - Half an hour late the group arrives @ Hermosa Beach.
9:10PM - Waiting for our table at Club Sushi, the boys indulge in a beer tower, while us girls sip demurely on our Blue Moons.
9:30PM - To the joy of the rumbling tummies, our table is ready.
9:40PM - Extra Large Beers for the table (except for the warm Sake for the sickling)
9:50PM - Yay for Food! And a new larger table that's more accommodating...
10:30PM - We wrap up the $300+ bill and head out to the bars.
(At this point the times are guestimates)
10:45PM - The M brothers (M & Baby Bro) take us to The Underground, a house-lounge.
11:30PM - B and Black Irish Lover (BIL) make a discovery... A good 'ole bar filled with Photo-Hunt, Strongbow, Pool, Darts, oh and right a few hot men.
11:45PM - We meet Fun Bobby! (Fun Bobby who apparently did NOT watch Friends wanted to start a Dance Party wherever he went)

11:50PM - A round of Gummy Bear Shots & a few more beers.
11:55PM - BIL decides this would be a good time to ditch B with Fun Bobby.
12:00AM - Feeling guilty for leaving B with Fun Bobby and not the Hotness Monster in the Grey Shirt, BIL tells me she will go back to rescue B.
12:05AM - Shit they have not returned.
12:10AM - I grab M and head back into the Bar to find B. We find her sitting at a table where she's been left by Fun Bobby.
12:15AM - Walking back through the bar we see BIL has been waylaid by Baby Bro taking body shots of tequila off him, which then turns into some tongue on tongue action.
12:20AM - Because we are naturally spies, we stop to watch the show.
12:25AM - Taking my cue, I leave & head back to the Dunce Dunce Dunce Dunce of the Techno Beat to find my S.
12:45AM - Everyone has managed to make it back to the House Room for some fun dancing. & there was a bunch of talking as well.
1:15AM - I notice I have once again lost B & BIL.
1:20AM - As I'm making my way towards the bar, Brazilian Boy (BB) who's friends with the M Brothers, grabs me to dance.
1:25AM - Apparently he did not get the memo that I had a boyfriend, but that's OK, because I have two girlfriends to throw in my place! He instantly grabs B and they take off dancing. Within seconds they are snogging. (Hey we ARE in a British Club/Pub)
1:30AM - Now this next part is a story unto itself. And yes it does require pictures.
* Update ~ I found out that Adios's real nickname was "Homeboy John" *

Now Adios was probably minding his own business having his insanely alcoholic Adios Motherfucker when BIL came along. Here is a sampling of their conversation.
BIL: Adios, why are you drinking such a girly drink?
Adios: Seriously? It's an Adios Motherfucker. The most alcoholic drink you can get here.
BIL: But it's Blue! It's a fruity-ass drink. (Turning to Ecko) And you, look you're wearing the same fruity-ass color as his girly drink!
Ecko: *Smiles sheepishly as BIL continues her rant*
BIL: SERIOUSLY, girly-ass blue drink, fruity-ass outfit.
At this point Adios asks the Bartendter who's closing up shop to explain to BIL whats in an Adios Motherfucker, at which point he pulls enough bottles out of the well to make any normal girl sick, but that's not enough for BIL and she continues her rant, only causing Adios to knock his fruity ass drink all overhimself.
The result of this exchange? BIL passed along her digits to Ecko, but there is serious doubt that follow-up calls will be made... that is unless he's into S&M.
1:45AM - Last Call & we are kicked out of the bar.
1:50AM - BIL gives the Bouncer a lasting hug and kiss on the cheek.
2:00AM - The Bro-mance continues outside as a very exhausted B tries to leave.
2:05AM - B is accosted by Brazilian Boy and his short ugly friend as they try and convince her to go to their hotel room "afterparty."
2:10AM - BIL is allegedly corralled by Short Ugly Friend... reminiscent of my little British Bird with ugly teeth? Why do the hot foreign ones always have short ugly friends?
2:15AM - B is rewarded for her wait by a sloppy kiss from Baby Bro.
2:20AM - On the car ride home B reveals a steamy session with M, but 2 brothers in one night? And 3 guys? Damn B... you are hot stuff :-)
3:00AM - After some cookies, I finally get MY reward... a soft and warm bed.
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