3 strips of crispy fried bacon greatness stuffed in a bottle with Sky, will let this sit for 3 weeks before freezing and straining.

I feel like these are always a staple when doing easy college-esq infusions. Within a hour they'd already lost all their pigment into the infusion and formed a nice creamy color. They should be ready within a day.

This is a test trial... We were trying to think up a *new* infusion, one that's never been done before. There are tomato vodkas. Onion vodkas. Lime vodkas. Why not throw in a little garlic and take it for a spin? Test #2 will probably use tequila as that seems better suited to the flavors.

I have no clue how the salt will affect the vodka, but I used a delicate pink sea salt combined with the citrus-y lime to hopefully yield a vodka with a slightly different taste. Again another one that should probably be re-done with tequila on the next go-around.

A classic, I just think this will taste super yummy and sort of want to try it out to see how it could be combined with other flavors. 1-2 weeks depending on color/taste.

An oldie but goodie, just had to try this one to see the strawberries turn white as their pigment is sucked out.

Saw this mentioned in passing on a blog somewhere... thought it sounded interesting and since I love me some good caramelized onions!

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