In the continued mis-adventures of Sven I got my first moving violation this morning.
Now, I'm totally for if you "do the crime, you do the time" but in this case I was trapped. Trapped by stupid cops probably trying to fill their quota so their 3 beer St. Patty's Day lunch break will go unnoticed.

Taking a short cut through West Hollywood to work, I hit Doheny and swung a left to only be pulled over 2 seconds later by cops chilling on the side of the road. They already had one car sitting there getting a ticket, when they informed me that I had made an illegal left turn.
Apparently on the small street, there were "allegedly" two signs posted saying no left turn between 7AM-9AM. It was 8:50AM. No qualms, no questions, just license and registration while they wrote me up a ticket.
In the meantime, they pulled over 3 more cars for making the EXACT SAME turn I'd done. Really? Had there really been these clear cut signs telling us to not turn left, I'm sure we would have seen them.
Tomorrow's Agenda: Hit up the same spot and take damning evidence photos to argue my case.
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