Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mini Moos!

Hole In The Wall...

Definitely worth a try.
11058 Santa Monica Blvd at South Bentley Avenue (behind Winchell's Donuts)
(310) 312-7013
Vodka Infusions!

3 strips of crispy fried bacon greatness stuffed in a bottle with Sky, will let this sit for 3 weeks before freezing and straining.

I feel like these are always a staple when doing easy college-esq infusions. Within a hour they'd already lost all their pigment into the infusion and formed a nice creamy color. They should be ready within a day.

This is a test trial... We were trying to think up a *new* infusion, one that's never been done before. There are tomato vodkas. Onion vodkas. Lime vodkas. Why not throw in a little garlic and take it for a spin? Test #2 will probably use tequila as that seems better suited to the flavors.

I have no clue how the salt will affect the vodka, but I used a delicate pink sea salt combined with the citrus-y lime to hopefully yield a vodka with a slightly different taste. Again another one that should probably be re-done with tequila on the next go-around.

A classic, I just think this will taste super yummy and sort of want to try it out to see how it could be combined with other flavors. 1-2 weeks depending on color/taste.

An oldie but goodie, just had to try this one to see the strawberries turn white as their pigment is sucked out.

Saw this mentioned in passing on a blog somewhere... thought it sounded interesting and since I love me some good caramelized onions!

The Continued Mis-Adventures of Sven
1. Car accident. While minor, it did result in a fairly amusing story.
2. Moving Violation. Way more serious, & it SUCKS that I was caught in a let's target unknowing drivers on their way to work so that we can take it easy in the afternoon and drink beer because we've filled our ticket quota.
and finally...
3. Parking Ticket. My favorite part: "Citation Increased $3.00 by the state."
Oh well, at least I'm done for now!
Alex Trebek, Manitoba Milk Bag & Maple Leaf Spoons

This also leads to a dilemna in my Tivo programming. CHUCK at 8PM, GREEK at 8PM, HIMYM at 8:30... which one will fall by the wayside? Sad sad day.
Omnicom Media Group ~ OMG my new favorite company!

Really? OMG? For Reals? I totally heart Omnicom.
Omnicon, did she really just touch that man's Penis?
* I also just realized that this is where P used to work! OMD, OMG!
Our obsession with the Penis

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

F My Life - ou - Vie De Merde
Seriously, tell me you're not loving these boys right now, and their so un-Fucked-lives.
Why I hate Beverly Hills Cops...
In the continued mis-adventures of Sven I got my first moving violation this morning.
Now, I'm totally for if you "do the crime, you do the time" but in this case I was trapped. Trapped by stupid cops probably trying to fill their quota so their 3 beer St. Patty's Day lunch break will go unnoticed.

Taking a short cut through West Hollywood to work, I hit Doheny and swung a left to only be pulled over 2 seconds later by cops chilling on the side of the road. They already had one car sitting there getting a ticket, when they informed me that I had made an illegal left turn.
Apparently on the small street, there were "allegedly" two signs posted saying no left turn between 7AM-9AM. It was 8:50AM. No qualms, no questions, just license and registration while they wrote me up a ticket.
In the meantime, they pulled over 3 more cars for making the EXACT SAME turn I'd done. Really? Had there really been these clear cut signs telling us to not turn left, I'm sure we would have seen them.
Tomorrow's Agenda: Hit up the same spot and take damning evidence photos to argue my case.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sven has a playmate!
Let me introduce you to Fiero, my better half's sexy new ride. (And no not Sasha, it's my non-lesbian lover's new car.) The Fiero — meaning "proud" in Italian and "wild" in Spanish - while it's not quite of the Pontiac variety, it is still red, wild and proud to be sexy.

It's sex is also ambiguous, as opposed to Sven who is obvi a boy car, Fiero loves to flip flop depending on his/her/its mood.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
He's Just Not That Into You if he's making out with another girl...
Not a bad one, there wasn't any damage, but while stopped at a traffic light I got rear ended. Pulling over to the side, I was a little rattled especially after the day I'd had, but I was nothing compared to the girl who stepped out of the other car.
She was about my age and a total wreck. Tears streaming down her face, she was all shook up. After surveying the scene and seeing nothing was wrong (thank you Sven, you are rock solid) I asked the inevitable question "Is everything OK?"
Between gasping sobs, she told me that she had just left her gym where she'd spotted her current beau macking on some other girl. What a horrific way to find out you're guy is JNTIY, while you're all gross and sweaty.
It took me 15 minutes to calm her down so that she could safely drive home... and I ended up giving the girl who hit me a hug as she left.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
More Matchbook-y Goodness (however this time, not of my creation)
Whoever thought of these is genius, what an adorably perfect way to always ensure that you are always prepared for everything.

Now all they need is a little decoration...
"Dusty Enjoying Hollywood"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Variety Lingo 101

So let's see how many of these you recognize! (Answers are in the comments section)
• Col (also Colpix) - Damn I need me some hot Col coffee to get me going in the Ayem.
• Eye web - Did you check out the Stinson fam last night on the Eye web?
• Frog web - I'm still 50/50 on the loss of the Frog web, but now we can drink to Megan Smith's eyebrows on the Cdub! (yes i did just make up my own lingo)
• (the) Lion (also Leo) - Rawr went the Lion cub.
• Mouse (also Mouse House) - Really? This one you should know. Or if you REALLY can't figure it out, you have no soul.
• Par - What what? I made Par? Golf's never been so great!
• Peacock web - Chime Chime Chime. Peacock web time!
• Alphabet web - ABCDEFG now I know my Alphabet web.
• U - Umbrella, Ukraine University, U what?
• ankle - Oh shit, that dirty dancing last night seriously screwed up my ankle.
• ayem - ?ayem? Amen.
• Beertown - You don't want to know what happened last night in Beertown. Let me just say it involved a sushi chef, a leather belt, an inflatable sheep, and some wasabi mixed with sour cream stuffed in a very unpleasent location.
• bird - I shagged some random bird last night.
• blurb - Jot down a quick blurb when you get a chance as I'm way too lazy to read the whole thing.
• chantoosie - Choo Choo Chantoosie!
• Chi (also Chitown) - I'll have a Chi Latte please?
• confab - Give you a hint... LAConfab nope, that probably didn't help much, but made you laugh, eh?
• crix - Jimminy Crix-et
• ducats - Ducats like to swim? NO, they hate the watah!
• feevee - Mommy, I'm not feeling so well... I have a feevee!
• helm - Helm? Isn't that part of a ship?
• horse opera - I'll give up drinking when the Horses sing!
• hotsy - Girl looks so fine, she's so hotsy!
• HUT - If I were me, but poor, I'd live in a HUT on the beach, probably be skinner and have a tan.
• infopike - infopike? intraweb? these aren't real words.
• kudocast - Kudos to the cast of How I Met Your Mother. I love you guys!
• legit - This shit is legit!
• legs - That bird has some very nice legs.
• meller - Seriously? You need to meller out... way too high strung right now.
• mitting - Wanna go outside, play a little catch and mitting?
• mogul - Those moguls were fierce, I nearly faceplanted 4 times skiing down that double black.
• moppet - Cinderella would you kindly grab the moppet and start cleaning this filthy floor?
• nitery - Nitery nite nite, sleep tight!
• chopsocky - Does this seem offensive to anyone? Just a little perhaps?
• ozoner - You're killing the ozoner with all your pollution!
• payola - Purple Crayola? Payola?
• percenter (also tenpercenter) - So tax is how big a percenter taken out of my paycheck?
• pour - Pour some sugar on it!
• preem - Tonight is going to be a mad night out on the town, we need loads of time to preem!
• prexy (also prez) - You can be my prexy for the night.
• scribbler - Scribbler, Scrabbler, shall we doodle some more?
• shingle - I think my friend got the shingles from partying way too hard.
• shutter - I'd love to have a little house with ocean blue shutters
• skein - Youuurrr voice is sooo irritating, it grates on myyy skeeein.
• sock (also socko) - What are you doing with my sock? Ewwwe why is it all sticky?
• sprocket opera - Yeah I don't really have something witty to say.
• 30-mile zone - Blast zone from Hiroshima?
• tubthump - Wasn't this a song about drinking so much you hit the floor?
• tyro - Tyro-sauras Rex!
• veep (also veepee, VP) - VEEP! VEEP VEEP!
• wicket - Sounds like a game they'd play in Harry Potter.
• zitcom - Her acne is flaring up again, get her some zitcom, stat!
There are plenty more in Variety's Slanguage Dictionary... if you have the time/patience to read through them!
AcroH'w'dPhobia... Variety Edition.
I put it to you... how many did you get right? (I put the answer key in the comments)
Morning Coffee with a side of Arugula?

Last night I suffered through one of these incredibly complex plots, with surprisingly unexpected twists and turns. (which really even when I'm dreaming, I still think about how shocked I am when the bad guy pulls the gun even though it's my own story) If only I could remember the entire story the next morning to recreate into an awesome pitch...
Sadly I normally just wake up worn out & with a splitting headache.

This morning, after hitting the snooze button several times so I could hopefully make it to the exciting conclusion (which I never do), I regretfully woke up and rushed through my morning routine. I've been on an arugula kick lately, eating it with toasted onions and Trader Joe's amazing Goddess dressing...
To my dismay, the onions were gone and in my hazy state, I grabbed the coffee tin off the counter and before you knew it, I had a tupperware full of Arugula and Coffee.
A great way to start the day.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I Am The Reformer

You are a single-minded person who takes pride in making sound judgments and likes to earn the respect of others.
You are idealistic and can be extremely loyal and accepting of others. You often remain on the sidelines in social situations choosing to observe rather than participate. You are most comfortable surrounded by a group of really good mates.
You enjoy being well-informed and put a great deal of energy into building your understanding and knowledge. You have quite a conventional approach to life. You appreciate the benefits of being neat and organized and do your best to have an ordered mind.
Inspired by anything new and unusual, you tend to look to the future and try to be open to different perspectives on life. Passion comes naturally to you. You like grand gestures and tend to wear your heart on your sleeve.
In continuing to take quizzes on this website, I've found that almost all of them his scarily on the mark. (expect for the party style... that one didn't really gel with me) Below are the results for my career portion of my DNA Visual assessment.
Your Detailed Personality Assessment
Have you asked yourself recently how much you are able to truly shine and grown in your life at the moment? It might be worth taking some time to outline your life goals and see how you can enhance your current work situation in order to gain more satisfaction on a daily basis. Be bold, think out of the box and have the confidence to make dramatic life-changing decisions if you feel you need to. You could even apply some of your natural confidence to really promoting yourself and making sure you're thriving in your career.
When it comes to leadership, you're a firm believer in good morale being the key to getting the best out of your team. It's important to inject some fun into the workplace. You don't like to stand on ceremony. But just make sure that the boundaries don't get blurred and that you still retain a real sense of respect and authority.
You have an impressive thirst for knowledge. You are voracious and passionate when it comes to deepening your understanding of ideas that interest you. It is important for you that your work feeds this desire to grow and develop your intellectual self.
You can sometimes be quite laid-back about achieving your goals. You tend to land on your feet and so you don't get too stressed about pushing too hard. You definitely have a good life-work balance. And it's true, sometimes success comes to those who don't seem too desperate. This healthy attitude is great so long as you don't come across as disinterested or lazy. It's important that you make sure your colleagues feel that you are pulling your weight.
You've probably got a smile on your face right now. Life is treating you great and you're pretty much on top of the world. You have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and it just seems to be growing day by day. It's not surprising that you're feeling upbeat. You seem to be getting a lot of satisfaction from your work. And this good feeling pervades the rest of your life.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. You're a naturally enthusiastic and energised person and you definitely know how to live life to the full. But if you're really serious about implementing positive change in your career, you might need to look at the way you balance your time. You can't expect too much from yourself. It might be a case of shifting priorities for the time being and there's a chance that a spot of exercise could do you the world of good. Getting some fresh air and letting those endorphins flow may be just the thing you need to put the spring back in your step.