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Friday, April 24, 2009

Is it wrong to root AGAINST the Lakers?

Now I know there are some naysayers out there who would chide, is it wrong to root FOR the Lakers, but that's not who I'm talking to. Being a born and raised So Cali girl, I was here for the glory days of the 3-peat chants, the Lakers flags on nearly EVERY SUV driving by, and the riots at the Staples center... so while I'm not a hardcore basketball fan, my loyalty lies with only one team.

However now that I've somehow gotten myself on an advanced sales Lakers mail chain I find myself with 2009 Playoff tickets, and a burning moral dilemna.

To cheer or not to cheer.

For Round 1, I managed to snag Game 5 tickets... which meant the Lakers would have to loose at least 1 so my Ticketmaster fees weren't spent in vain. Thankfully (probably because of failing television programming and a lackluster economy, wanting to fuel longer playoff series) the Lakers lost last night and my bf can finally chant KOBE in the stands.

However now for Round 2 (which sold out it's pre-sale in under 3 minutes) I have Game 7 tickets. Game 7!? That means my beloved Lakers would have to loose 3, and while it would be tres exciting to watch, I think it might be too nerve wrecking to imagine. Can I possibly cheer, nay hope that the Lakers loose 3 for my own personal enjoyment?

My SoCali Girl says Lakers all the way, but my inner child is screaming loose loose loose!

So here's hoping they win the series, but loose a few key games along the way to make the path to glory that much more interesting.


  1. NO! Root against them, they fucking suck... cheer for the Mavericks!

    Eff the lakers!

  2. BOO. That's one thing I won't do! Besides, who could root against Luke Walton, he's so cute!
