The Frog-Kisser was in high school when she first discovered her power. Dating the captain of the football team had left her drained and unfulfilled. That's when she discovered Brian, the head of the debating club, and her latent powers emerged.
Blessed with the ability to transform geeks into winners, she is cursed with the reality that once she enables this transformation, the origin of her initial attraction is gone.
About the Book

All Tom’s friends really are superheroes. There’s the Ear, the Spooner, the Impossible Man. Tom even married a superhero, the Perfectionist. But at their wedding, the Perfectionist was hypnotized to believe that Tom is invisible. Nothing he does can make her see him. Six months later, she’s sure that Tom has abandoned her. So she’s moving to Vancouver. She’ll use her superpower to make Vancouver perfect and leave all the heartbreak in Toronto. With no idea Tom’s beside her, she boards an airplane. Tom has until the wheels touch the ground in Vancouver to convince her he’s there, or he loses her forever.
A funny, sweet story, All My Friends Are Superheroes will remind you the greatest superpower of all is love.
While it's not quite my New Favorite Book, there is something absolutely charming and adorable about this easy to read novella is full of fabulous quotes and witty anecdotes.
The love is genuine and sweet, and perfection is in the eye of the beholder.
Me, what would my superpower be? I've had a few nicknames in the past, THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, THE MATCHMAKER, THE ORGANIZER etc, but I think the one that fits me the most is...
The Doer
It was in 7th grade, on a Wednesday no less, during swim class that she realized her superpower. Starring up at the high dive that had terrified her most of her life, she thought to herself, just do it. That was the start of it. From that moment on, whenever faced with a challenge, she just went for it. Crushes became a thing of the past, she wanted to know right then and there if there was any mutual interest before wasting an unquantifiable amount of time lusting after some boy. Projects lacked procrastination, because she knew the sooner she finished them, the less she'd worry about them. And any fear, from public speaking to surfing to real life, she faced head on and hoped for the best.
However with her ability to get things done, she finds that from time to time, her organization and pre-planning of her life lacks the creativity or sense of adventure to just "go with the flow," and this sometimes puts strains on her friendships and relationships.
P.S. to my dear friends, I might go out and buy you all this book so you can be happy when you're feeling sad.
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