June 30th.
Twilight is just like the Hills and Sex And The City. Something we love to hate. But the Cha & I have found a sort of sadonic joy in venturing out with the Twihards, laughing hysterically in all the Bella/Edward/Jacob "moments," and reeling in the death stares from girls & their mothers who would give their right arm for an underage lover. The crazier the fan, the better.
And thus, we've bought our tickets for Twilight. 10PM. Opening Night. It saddens me a little that I had to plan for this night, almost a month in advance... but I think knowing we have seats to what will surly be the biggest laugh-fest since "Great White Buffalo" makes the anticipation worth it. Either that, or we can sell our tickets marked up to the fans that didn't get their shit together in time.
bring on the crazies.