Monday, September 28, 2009
Thank you gchat/ichat for providing me with a little bit of amusement.
I can't believe you'd dream cheat on me like that?!
Because I dream cheated on our friendship. Yep, that's right. In her dream, we were taking a work-out class (first tip off that it's a dream) and Taylor Swift was there as well. So go figure, I became BFF's with Taylor, thus ensuring the wrath of my longtime friend, who thought I'd sold her out for a pair of tickets to the VMAs.
In her DREAM.
My roommate in NY used to wake up furious at me for hooking up with her ex. In her dreams. I always thought it was hilarious, how much your dreams can influence your actions, and I know there's all this literature about the subconscious and how that's really playing out your true feelings and emotions, but really?! I did not hook up with the ex, and I'm most certainly not BFF's with Taylor, and if this were Bedtime Stories I'd certainly hope my friends dreams about me were much MUCH cooler.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
To Try: PACE
Honestly I can't believe I still HAVEN'T tried this place. I've passed it maybe a million times on my drive to school back in the day, but it's totally on my list.
To Try: Botegga Louie

Botegga Louie
To try, aside from the obvious... their Calamari is supposedly awesome.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The VangMaster
A nifty $35 a person for a 2 hour jaunt on the Pacific, on our very own 32 ft Vang Master.
Now, Vang Master you ask? I'll get to that in a second.
When I called to make the reservations, I was told that we were allowed to bring our own food and beverages. "Beverages?" I ask? As in ones with alcoholic content?
So when you say "sailing class," you really mean "booze cruise." Sure if you want to look at it like that, we'll teach you what a jib is, and how to avoid it so you don't become a hot mess when you fall in the ocean. We'll also show you how to sit on the boat easily, so your boozy-filled Solo's don't tip over.
Now this sounds like my kind of class. After hitting up TJ's for a couple bottles of bubbly and making sure my tote was packed with Cruzan from the islands, we headed down to the 'dondo Pier to meet up with our Captain Dan. Needless to say, there was a straggler E, who'd already done a whole batch of pre-gaming of his own cheering on his Wisconsin team, and was hopelessly lost, confusing Beryl street with Pearl. After we'd gathered the troops, screamed hearty hellos to the real booze cruise full of neon orange and bright green speedos, poured some Greyhounds and were off!
Needless to say, not much was learned, but a good time was had by all!
And the Vang Master. Apparently that was our boat's lovely name... :-)

Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Mini Moo's

Here are my ideas so far, input would be great!!
I'm aiming for a solid collection of like 15 designs, so that each one can be different.

There are 2 Trimana's!

Actually there are quite a lot of them... however when I say to a friend, let's grab lunch at the Trimana in the building next door, who would have thought there are Trimana's in both of my neighboring buildings?
I'd say funny sketch comedy bit in the making, but in reality it just resulted in a very shortened lunch date.
So of course in coming back to the office, I declare, "OMG I never knew!" To which everyone replies, duh... You're like the only person who doesn't know that. Sadness.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
To Try: Malibu Seafood Fresh Fish Market
Also since my boyfriend has now become obsessed with fishing, this might curve his appetite to feast on fish instead of sit for countless hours hoping for a nibble.
An Old Favorite: Sweet Lady Jane
I'd totally forgotten about this gem of a store, until last night when "desserts" were suggested in lieu of "drinks," and I thought to myself, why not? I seriously haven't been here since high school, and the yummy goodness of a 3 layer chocolate buttercream transported me back to the days of cotillion and after school play-dates.
They also have a nice selection of cupcakes, but the thing I remember most were their mini-tarts. This might have to be added to the rotation of meeting locales, especially since they're open until 11:30 & there's plenty of street parking in front.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Burger Bracket

A Love: Bazaar @ SLS
Brunch @ Bazaar
New Blog: Food Blog
And YES I know the title is lame, but I'm tired, and it's all I could think of that wasn't already taken.
Restaurant Log Blog
It's my place to keep track of the places I've been, where I need to return to, and what I want to try. So when that dreaded question of "where should we go tonight" comes up, I'll hopefully have the answer handy!
Golden State: The Beer Float

One word, delicious! I absolutely LOVED this little treat, a 20 oz glass of stout topped with a fresh scoop of brown bread gelato... I thought it could be hit or miss, but this was definitely spot on. Paired with the sweet potato wedges and the amazing dipping sauce, this is a place to re-visit.
Golden State
Downtown Pub Crawl
Below are the results.
View Downtown Pub Crawl in a larger map
We started out classy at McCormick & Schmick for some $3 Burgs / $4.50 Beers and a nice ease into a day full of drinking. Old time money & sports at the bar, seemed like this would be an ideal spot for some banker boy watching, but I think we were a little too early.
From there we headed over to Edison, but were a little too early, so we stopped in at Redwood (the Pirate Bar) for some PBRs. Yum! I know, super ghetto, but it takes me back to frat parties.
Finally Edison opened for their "Soup Kitchen Fridays" i.e. 35cent drinks + free grilled cheese & tomato soup. Super yum & awesome place for an after-work drink. Love the music, vibe and decor.
As the sun was setting, we raced back to main DT, hoping to catch the sunset from the rooftop bar at the Standard, but were greeted by doormen demanding a $20 cover. Yuck. So instead we hit up Library Bar (to use the restroom, as the vibe was not so great) and then settled in for a nightcap at Seven Grand (my favorite bar!)
All in all it was a good night, but there are still several spots on my need to check out list.
Ciudad (445 S Figueroa St @ 5th) $3 Tacos / $4.50 Mojito's, Margs & Sangria
Takami Sushi (811 Wilshire Blvd @ Flower) $4 Sushi Rolls
Standard Downtown (550 S Flower St @ 6th)
Golden Gopher (417 W 8th St @ Hill)
Broadway Bar (830 S Broadway @ 8th)
Varnish (118 E 6th St @ Main)
La Cita (336 S Hill @ 3rd)
<3 the Spyglass Girls!!

Random conversation of the day. Manhole.
Me: Wow, so I just turned down Dodgers tickets for tonight. Because they were playing against Pittsburgh, and I'm thinking that's going to be a lame game, I don't really want to go. This might have been the first time ever I've made a decision to go or not go to a game based purely on the actual athletic ability of the teams playing. (It's normally based on my desire to drink beer, eat hot dogs, and stare at hot men in tight pants)
M: Ha. But the Pirates!
Me: Butt Pirates? What? M that's gross.
M: Your thought progression is that of a teenage boy.
Me: manhole.
M: penis.
Me: We're very mature.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Live Blogging from the Hollywood Bowl
This week was interesting, full of new discoveries about people I thought I knew. Not to get into it, life is just full of eye opening experiences, and good or bad I'm glad to be a part of it & live my life to the fullest. I'm happy for my friends, for my family and for everyone around me who keeps life exciting.
So thank you.
And no I'm not drunk.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Nom Nom Line Fail
This will happen someday.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about :
The h.wood Mystery

For those of you who don't know the joy that is Mystery or the bible of The Game, here's the quick catch up...
THE GAME is a non-fictional book written by investigative reporter Neil Strauss as a chronicle of his journey from "average frustrated chump" to "master pickup artist" using techniques devised by a self-help network of men developing the art of seduction with women.I have been obsessed with this book ever since I realized it was the origin of so many Saddle Ranch guys telling me I smiled like Paris Hilton (I know, right, WTF?) While I realize that running Game isn't necessarily a good thing, I can appreciate the confidence building aspects of the principles outlined in the book. Really? Peacocking, just a form of learning to be proud of who you are no matter how ridiculously you are dressed. Because a guy who can pick up a girl wearing a duster length fur coat, can easily talk to a hot chick in the bar when he's actually dressed normally.In the book, he adopts the pseudonym Style and details encounters with women as he studies with "experts" at seducing women. The book's publication began an explosion of pick-up artist jargon[citation needed] and reveals inside events in the rapidly-growing Mystery Method company (now called Love Systems) of 2004.
So anyway, it's Saturday night and we hit the club for a night of debauchery. (h.wood, my new love.) After wandering around & checking out the sights, we head upstairs to the back bar... where there is a flurry of activity going on, a bunch of guys dressed in ridiculous outfits, and snippets of conversation "You want to know how I know you two are best friends?" I knew within moments, there was a Game Seminar being run & I was eager to see the suckers who'd drop 1-2k on a night out with the boys.
I wasn't disappointed, but as the area came into focus, we could pinpoint some of the biggies. Mystery for one, wearing a floor length fur, was chilling surrounded by his entourage in a corner overseeing the action. Savoy, (the man in the kilt with nada underneath) was stimulating conversation and helping the trainees open sets. When asked if he was going comando, his response "Do Bears shit in the woods?" Matador was also hanging around, in his leather vest and chaps, and the little sidekick guy who has a name, but for the life of me I can't remember, so we'll call him Sam.
There were also tons of boys running around, opening sets with clever one-liners, albeit plagiarized from Love Solutions, protectively holding onto girls hands, and getting them to sit in their lap, *cough Bama cough,* and circulating, bringing their catches back to the Masters to show their progress for the night.
My favorite perhaps was the very drunk guy wearing an arm brace, and had a sock stuffed down his pants. Why do I know that you ask? Because he chose to grind up on me slowly, and I can tell you, it was not shaped properly. Very round, and sockish.
So after a very enjoyable evening, I of course head home to investigate, see how much these suckers paid for a night out on the town. $4,500 a person, for a weekend Playboy Mansion seminar. SERIOUSLY? I'm in the wrong business.
The Snuggie Sutra

So thanks to the joy that is sharing funny links at work, Snuggie Sutra has entered my life. (Merci K) I still have yet to stoop to the snuggie purchasing level, but this might have tipped the scale in it's favor.