It started off nice and easy in what was supposed to be an early night.
The Magician was having his birthday @ Avalon (the hotel, not to be confused with the ghetto hollywood club) and as my friends do love magic thanks to Barney Stinson, we showed for our first round of drinks. Fairly uneventful but nice, we relaxed by the pool and caught up on the week's gossip. (Of which there was sadly NOTHING juicy. P&M, step it up!)
From there we headed back to the SM to meet up with Ja-Rule who was in town for the weekend. At first we decided to try V Lounge, but after a fly by, determined it was empty and settled on finding a new locale to sip away the night.
*And now we take a pause. I ate perhaps one of the most disgusting snacks I've ever had in my whole entire life.*

P, a little tipsy from the Long Island she'd guzzled while watching the Magician amaze her with card tricks, and gasping that she'd missed the memo to eat food (I'm not sure how she missed the memo, food before drinking = good) was hungry. So we stopped by the local CVS where she purchased a bag of... Combo's? Now I've never had a Combo before, and really, I think I was happier living my life that way. A weirdly soft pretzel filled with some combination of cheese, MSG and other artificial flavorings, it tasted what I imagine a dog treat would be like. Gross.
So then we packed up camp and headed to Nikki's in Venice. I've never really hung out in Venice before, and as we circled the block for parking, seeing the various shady characters hanging out on the street corners, I'm definately not sold on the place. Regardless, we headed inside where there was a good beat going, and even better, Ja-Rule who I haven't seen in what 3 years?!
Nikki's was fun, and it obviously has an awesome name, but I love that we still managed to find ourselves a Fun Bobby for the night! This Fun Bobby, came in the form of a real estate agent (?) from Santa Monica who loved to dance, and was deftly shoved towards Boose the moment he meandered to our group. We also lost B for a while as she is WAY too nice and needs to learn how to just say No. (i.e. stuck talking to some guy for the night & failing to give the come rescue me signage)
Afterwards we hit up the Kogi for some late night yummies, and finally at 2AM when my head hit the pillow I was lights out.
10 AM is far too early for a Saturday morning class. Especially when it's a 2 hour Rock Climbing intensive. But we survived. Our legs might have been a little bruised and battered, but we now know how to grip, pinch and hold, and gaped at the prospect of doing toe hooks, heel hooks and that jumping spiderman thing that also had a cool name I can no longer remember.
I probably can't remember because of the 32oz hefs we chugged at Big Deans afterward, while relaxing in the sun and making smiley faces and flowers out of ketchup and mustard.

Then we rented some bikes and biked down to Venice (yet again! twice in one weekend) and back up to burn off the calories from the greasy but delicious baskets of onion rings accompanying lunch. Walked up the hill to Lowes for some poolside Sangria's and finished our daytime fun with Foie Gras & Calamari pre-dinner apps.
On to the nighttime fun.
Barely staying awake we headed back towards Hollywood, with a pit stop at home for a shower and change, and a quick dinner @ the noodle house next to st. nicks before we stood at the velvet rope outside of h.wood.
Let's just say, we came, we saw, we partied & war stories were told. It's too much for this post and deserves a posting of it's own.
Again, another 2AM night, followed by a worthless Sunday where I barely made it out of bed due to every muscle in my body being in immense amounts of pain. (probably because I'm out of shape) The only other highlight is Takiem, the sushi bar next to Elevate Lounge (yes M, Elevate!) where we went to din din around 6PM or so.
The reason this post is titled "an organized life" is because this plan was laid out far in advance & we actually stuck to it, accomplishing all of our "goals" (although I don't know what goals those would be) and having an awesome time doing it.
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