Not that I know how this would actually be possible, I imagine it would involve a lot of studying and science, the basic idea could still hold true.

So you know how you're not supposed to put electrically charged items in large amounts of water because of it's conductive power, and the ability to electrocute yourself... Well, why not apply that principle to turn the electric water into a weaponized form?
To which my co-worker replied, I think they've done that, it's called a taser gun.
Yes, but you can't bring a taser gun on an airplane now can you? You can however bring all sorts of electronics onboard.
This brings me around to another story... Internet on Planes. As a true Hollywood underling, the moment I heard about this, I felt sorry for every single friend, especially those at the Agencies. What used to be a very restful break from the hectic phone ringing, emailing, scheduling etc is soon to be non-existent.
Linking electronics to potential weapons would eliminate the possibility of computers on planes. And give my friends the peace they deserve whilst their boss is on a trans-continental flight.
As you can clearly see... I've started rambling, and no, there's really no point to this post. But just think about the possibilities of deadly water gun games.
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