The highlight of last weekend, amidst the mother's day bonanza, was checking out the Pasadena Showcase House that my mom worked on. There were some incredible rooms (in case you decide to visit, this is the last weekend they're doing it) and my favorites were the guest kitchen and bathroom.
Bathroom, you might ask inquisitively? Yes. Bathroom. Or should I say "Spa Relaxation Room."
You enter through the massage parlor, aromatically scented, listening to the sounds of a babbling brook emanating from the stone tiled waterfall... Then you enter the main chamber, complete with a rain forest shower, mood lighting that changes with the music atmosphere, and a bath tub.
The bath tub was the clincher. It's designed with speakers all along the bottom of the tub... the guest is supposed to fill the tub and submerge themselves below the water line, so they can listen to the vibrations of the music while watching the overhead light show... This is something I could totally see myself doing.
My mom's favorite part was the light up toilet, perfect for sleepy guests to prevent midnight accidents.
In the meantime, I may have to settle for one of these, until I can afford the multi-million dollar house.

And I have to settle for my hand until I can afford the $12,000 it's going to cost me for my night of escorts in Vegas...just so I can lose my virginity. Life sucks.