It started with a post-it. Or a very cute post-it video.
Thinking it was cute, I forwarded it to my boss. Her reply: "Yes it is cute, think you can track down the contact info for the guys who created it?"
In my google-quest I discovered that the guys who made it Si&Ad or Simon Atkinson and Adam Townley are actually quite amazing directors. I'm certainly a fan. You should check out their other commercials & music videos, I especially like the McFly one. Tho I am weirdly a McFly groupie, having been dragged to Just My Luck by my grandmother...
Anyway, one of the websites I stumbled across was 123People. You know when your parents tell you to be careful what you put on the internet? This website is one of the reasons why. Google I'm feeling lucky has nothing on these guys. Email addresses, phone numbers, pictures, links to news articles. Creepy.
Or educational? I definitely found out some things I never knew about myself. For one (and not to be completely roundabout) my favorite writer Heather McElhatton wrote up a very nice review of my blog, blogging about her book!
Author's note: This blog came out two weeks BEFORE the book was in stores! What a nice blog to break your blogging-cherry with! Thank You Nicole! I went and checked out the site and it is hysterical. Among hot trends and funny musings, the girl has a killer recipe for BACON CINNAMON ROLLS. Check it out!Also I have a NY Times Filmography page? Empty yes, but still cool. It hopefully won't stay that way forever.
And perhaps my favorite part is the Tag Cloud. I highly enjoy that "Gay Man" and "Bar Patron" are both in my tag cloud.

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